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Check-up for Your Vehicle's Battery
By: Mighty Auto Parts | Friday, September 16th, 2016 at 9:24 pm in Preventive Maintenance

Check-up for Your Vehicle's Battery

The first car battery introduced in 1912 had a pretty simple function: supply power to the new electric starter motor. It replaced hand crank starters commonly used at the time. But the demands of automotive batteries would soon expand to powering electric horns, headlights, air conditioning and heating installations, radios, and now even some steering and braking systems. And with the recent integration of digital technology into vehicles, everything from onboard digital consoles to semi-autonomous navigation systems and in-car Wi-Fi receivers all draw upon the energy stored within sophisticated battery units.

car-battery-checkThe automotive battery is one of the most essential components in any vehicle, and as such, it must be properly cared for. Regular car maintenance is not only important to extending the life cycles of cars themselves, but can save human lives as well. Each year neglected maintenance results in 5% of all vehicle collisions, and is responsible for more than 2,600 deaths and nearly 100,000 disabling injuries. On top of the tragic human toll, these accidents account for $2 billion in lost wages, medical expenses and property damage.

Despite all the dazzling technology and amazing features found in modern automobiles, even the most advanced cars are susceptible to breakdowns. In fact, AAA had to perform a record-breaking 32 million service rescues of drivers in 2015 reporting battery, tire, and key troubles – especially among newer vehicles less than five years old. The complex electric vehicle designs of advanced automobiles are so taxing to batteries that at Mighty Auto Parts, we strongly believe that the safest practice for vehicle owners is to have your battery checked during preventative maintenance services. The most convenient time for this is during a routine oil change. Having your automotive shop technician check your battery and clean the battery’s terminals before you hit the road will give you an extra level of confidence that your car will continue to take care of you. A well-maintained battery can give you years of trouble free driving.

As a trusted partner to the automotive professional technicians coast-to-coast, we at Mighty Auto Parts know the importance of proper car maintenance, including battery care, to human safety and the longevity of vehicles. Advanced technology, keyless ignitions (with battery draining keys), and even extreme temperatures impact batteries. This can be discovered and remedied during a routine maintenance check.

Don’t neglect your car battery; insist your service pro test your battery every oil change to ensure maximum performance of your vehicle everyday. Access additional free resources, or learn about our wide selection of parts and more at mightyautoparts.com. Over 12,000 repair facilities – from independents to large multi-bay specialty shops – trust Mighty Auto Parts for high quality products and superior customer support services.

To see how we can serve you, visit us online today!

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